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Tessa young, May 18 2023

What are the advantages of working while studying abroad?

Working and studying abroad is what all students look forward to. Work and study might feel like a gigantic task and something which will put your work-study-life balance. However, there are changes to your mind. There are different advantages of working while studying abroad and there are the top reasons why you should work and study abroad

 Testing how much you are ready: Getting any job can be daunting, especially when you choose to study abroad for any undergraduate program. Finding a role that aligns with your skills, interests, and experience can be difficult and you want to make sure you are making the right choice in the long term. Testing the waters and trying your hand at the different internships may provide you with the insight to find the right career while exploring where your skills and interests align. You are definitely of most value.

 Employability: Often the outright aim of an internship while studying abroad is to gain a permanent work placement. An internship program enables just the individual but the host company to gauge your employability, your strengths, and where to need to upskill. While you continue to complete the coursework for your undergraduate degree, gathering skills in a myriad of student jobs and graduate jobs and improve your chance of employability simultaneously. This will make you job-ready on the go. 

Networking: It is not always necessary that you will get part-time work in the field of your study. Nevertheless, this does not mean you should stop networking. Networking is all about generating dense links with the people who are from your current or upcoming career path. Even when you are not working in the field, you can meet people from your career path. This can be anyone, be it a co-worker, client, or anyone. Ensure you create a report with them and also create a link. Networking can help you in the future when you will be actually looking for a job. You can even network when you are in your student accommodation PrestonThey can help you to look for the seamless job for you.  

Earn income and reduce college debt: This is one of the most obvious of all. This is the first thought which will come to your mind when you think about work and study together. This will pay for your everyday expenses, living costs, social life, and a lot more. It completely depends on how you want to spend it or if you want to save it for a rainy day. Work and study are one of the best ways to fund your tuition fees for colleges and universities abroad. This can help you in reducing the college debts and the education loans you might have taken to support the study abroad

Wrapping Up  

It is always a great idea to work with studies. This will not only help you earn some money but also help you in different ways, be it networking, be it decreasing your college debts, etc. It will also be a great benefit for your resume. This can help you in different ways. However, it is one’s choice if they can handle the pressure of work and studies together. Figure it out to make the right decision.  


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Tessa young

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